• Student surveys, organisation and data assessment for CHE University Ranking
  • Collaboration in projects involving statistical analysis based on data from the University Ranking or other sources

Higher education

  • Statistics at TU Dortmund University
  • PhD at TU Dortmund University on “Heteroskedastie- und Autokorrelationskonsistente Kovarianzmatrixschätzung im linearen Regressionsmodell” (Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation in a linear regression model)

Professional experience

  • Management of the Collaborative Research Centre “Reduction of Complexity in Multivariate Data Structures”
  • June 2015 to May 2016 Coordination Office „Materials Chain“, a strategic programme of the University Alliance Ruhr
  • Joined the CHE in 2000



The ERASMUS Impact Study. Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students and the internationalisation of higher education institutions. 1. January 2014 22.89 MB 14088 downloads

Autoren: Brandenburg, Uwe; Berghoff, Sonja; Taboadela, Obdulia; Bischof, Lukas; Gajowniczek,...