• Ulrich Müller
  • 1. January 2006

CHE-AP78: In 2005 and 2006, six German Laender undertook the necessary legal steps to prepare the introduction of general tuition fees, and a seventh is preparing to join them. Even if the decisive question is how to establish such fees at the university level, the regulations of each Land are nevertheless of the utmost importance.

The present study compares all the laws concerning tuition fees to date and examines whether or not the present legal conditions

  • ensure that students really profit from the introduction of tuition fees, and that they will have some say as to how those fees are to be applied
  • make sure that the income generated by the fees does indeed betoken additional money for higher education institutions
  • afford institutions of higher education sufficient administrative sovereignty, and thus promote competition and profiling among them
  • ensure social tolerability and fair access even for non-traditional students
  • provide for transparent and calculable implementation of the fees.

    All in all, the results are quite satisfying with respect to implementation; however, improvements might be made by granting institutions of higher education a greater degree of autonomy, and by further ensuring the transparency and calculability of implementation.Autoren:
    Müller, Ulrich; Ziegele, Frank; Langer, Markus F.: Studienbeiträge: Regelungen der Länder im Vergleich.
    Arbeitspapier Nr. 78, Gütersloh, CHE, 2006, 68 Seiten,
    ISBN 3-939589-30-6,
    ISSN 1862-7188


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